Tuesday, February 28, 2012

6 Signs You Are Being Scammed by a Fake Guru

Not every self-proclaimed guru is a genuine spiritual master, says Mike Bundrant. He reveals six signs that you are being scammed by a fake guru.
All over the web, self-proclaimed gurus are telling you lie after blatant lie in order to get your money and pump their ego. Chances are you have fallen for some of their tactics, even if you have never been taken for thousands of dollars in exchange for some relatively worthless information. Here are a few of their favorite tactics. Buyer beware.

They tell you there are no limits

Gurus love to preach that you'll have no limitations (if you buy their products). Their "proven" strategies will either 1) catapult you past anything in your way or 2) give you unlimited power. Outside of the trance induced state their marketing materials tend to foster, it is easy for any sane person to understand that nobody has unlimited power and no person can give special powers to another. Yet, the claim is made all the time - no limits, beyond all boundaries, you can have everything you want, achieve unlimited wealth and abundance, etc...and other lies. Read more

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