Saturday, May 8, 2010

Yoga Mudras: An Illustrated Guide

A mudra is A gesture or position, usually of the hands, that locks and guides energy flow and reflexes to the brain. By curling, crossing, stretching and touching the fingers and hands, we can talk to the body and mind as each area of the hand reflexes to a certain part of the mind or body. Anmol Mehta presents a comprehensive guide to yoga mudras.
An important aspect of yoga is the subtle, but key practice of hand, body and eye postures, to invoke certain flows of energy and create certain states of consciousness, called yoga mudras. In last month’s newsletter I introduced you all to yoga mudras and provided 5 important mudras to start with. In the newsletter I also mentioned I would be creating a comprehensive guide to yoga mudras, and this is the first part of that guide.

In this part I will provide the 5 hand mudras I gave in the newsletter and in the next part of the series I will illustrate and detail many more important mudras to help you take your yoga and meditation practice to the next level. Read more

1 comment: said...

An important aspect of yoga is the subtle, but key practice of hand, body and eye postures, to invoke certain flows of energy .
this is the greatness of yoga