Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Getting Less Serious with Tantra

Tantra teacher Shakti Padmini says that God is not always serious, and enlightenment is not the exclusive domain of hard workers or the intellectual elite. You don't have to meditate for years to have grand cosmic experiences.
Some time ago I came across an amusing article written by 'serious' spiritual practitioners, castigating modern day tantrikas for "cheating" - taking shortcuts to spirituality and doubting their spiritual sincerity. Apparently, what typically takes 'serious' meditators years of intense spiritual discipline to achieve is available to a Tantrika in just a few months.

Therefore, they questioned whether something might be amiss, as you certainly couldn't have all those grand cosmic experiences simply by just 'indulging' in extended pleasure time! You need to seriously meditate 'the proper way', in order to achieve these fruits of hard labor and concentration!

Well, I'm here to say that God is not always serious, and enlightenment is not the exclusive domain of hard workers or the intellectual elite... if so, the world would have collapsed long ago. Instead, I believe that we are ALL innately equipped to experience our divinity through doing what we enjoy, realizing our true essence - love - by making love. And I mean that literally - when consciousness penetrates... energy love is the result. Read more

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