Spiritual fakes aren't confined to India. Just because someone calls himself by a spiritual-sounding name, doesn't mean he's spiritual. Do your due diligence before accepting someone as your spiritual teacher. Run, don't walk, away from any "guru" who claims that having sex with him will awaken your kundalini, clear your karma, raise your vibration rate, etc.
The Roman Catholic Church isn't alone when it comes to scandal lately.
As the debate rages in the West about the ungodly behavior of godly men, a series of sex scandals involving India's assortment of god men -- called sadhu, baba or swami -- is making skeptics out of many Indians.
"Most god men are self-proclaimed, and they are being increasingly outed as hypocrites and fakes," said Ravi Ghatge, a retired banker in Bangalore. "Then everybody finds out that there is not an iota of spirituality in any of them," he added. Read more
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