Thursday, February 14, 2019

Caitlyn Cook's Favorite Tantric Sex Tips

Mindful sexualityl and shamanic healing facilitator Caitlyn Cook shares her Favorite Tantric Sex Tips.
This week I thought I’d share some of my favourite sexy-time tips. They’re things I've discovered in my Tantra/conscious-sexuality adventures and may be a little different to the standard Cosmo/internet videos. Thankfully. I’ve tried and tested all of the practices and am sharing my top-scoring faves ;) Lots to share, so I’ve made it into a series.

You can use these tips with partners, or for solo masti sessions with yourself. After all, you are your lover too, so make love to yourself! (In fact, see some self-pleasure practices here and here.)

Oo, and remember, these tips are ideas for possibility, not cookie-cutters on how to have sex. You are the sex god, so follow your body. These are just ideas to get you (and your partner) more into flow and experiencing more pleasure, play, connection, sexy bliss. Read more

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