Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Best 10-Minute Investment into Your Love Life

Are you willing to invest ten minutes into improving your love life? Tantra teachers Lokita and Steve Carter say that going back to the basics yield surprising rewards.
Going back to the basics can bear great gifts, especially in love and sex. Let’s remember some of the teachings mom gave us on our way. “Look into people’s eyes as you speak with them," she said. “Be respectful to others. Listen carefully when someone talks with you," she insisted. “And never interrupt.” This wisdom turns out to be quite useful, especially in our love relationships.

One of our first tantric practices as a couple was a deceptively simple communication experiment about how we like to be loved -- physically, emotionally and spiritually. It goes like this: Steve asks me the question, “How do you like to be loved?” I answer as Steve listens, without commentary. If I don’t answer, he will ask the same question again. After 10 minutes, we switch roles, asking and answering the same question.

Are you willing to invest 10 minutes into your love life? Read more

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