Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Shortcomings of Friction Sex

Victor Gold says the kind of sexual exchange that most men employ, friction sex, has uts shortcomings.
If you have paid careful attention, you may have noticed that ordinary friction sex, the kind of sexual exchange that most men employ, is characterized by a series of incessant, robotic, pelvic pumping actions combined with rapid breathing. There is no doubt that this is the fast and hard version of sex that has been glorified in pornography and elsewhere. Though it may generate delicious physical sensations and escalating excitement while it lasts (at least for the man), its usefulness in sexual intercourse must be tempered if sexual intimacy and heart-centered lovemaking becomes more of a priority. If not, as far as men are concerned, the physically taxing and athletic nature of this type of sex inevitably leads to increased muscular tension and male ejaculation followed by energy loss, fatigue and lower consciousness. This is essentially the familiar masculine (yang) version of lovemaking that we as a society have come to embrace. Read more

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